For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in The Secret Place of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.
And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me;
Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.
PSALM 27:5-7
The Secret Place is not something which was thought up overnight. It is a commission that God has placed upon mine and my family's life, compelling our heart's to go to unimagined heights and lengths so that we may show the love of Christ to the broken world around us and be obedient to God-given mandate.
We desire to see a generation of true Disciples of Christ, this was divinely interrupted by the Lord when we began to be flooded with visions of us preaching in prisons and seeing prisoners set free by the power of God. Without having shared these visions with anyone, we kept coming across people who were well connected to various prison ministries and, as we spoke to them, felt a fire burning within our heart's for this area of God’s work. We then understood that the Lord was calling us out, along with my wife Nancy, to walk with the broken, rejected, tossed aside people of society and bestow upon them a genuine love and grace that comes only from being saturated in God’s presence and teach them what it means to follow after Christ wholeheartedly.
We have since then been in a continuous adventure of reaching, teaching, and loving on the least of these, welcoming them into their home and hearts, to show them that, though they may be rejected by people, they are chosen by God. The Secret Place was created by our passion, fueled by the Holy Spirit, as a way to sow and invest even deeper into the lives of these people. We have come to realize that our call is not only to people in physical prisons, but to those who have been chained by mental and spiritual prisons as well. Our desire is to see them set free by the truth and power of Jesus Christ and help them come to a place of walking in the fullness of God’s specific purpose for them.
The Secret Place is a place of refuge and restoration. A place where the lost, broken, weary, and captives who are at the end of themselves can come to experience the real love of Christ, learn to walk in surrender and obedience to God, live in true relationship with the Father, be rooted in the Word of God, and be launched into the world as disciples of Christ. The Lord gave us the verse Psalm 27:5 as an instruction of what The Secret Place is to be; a safe haven where people can come to be built upon the Rock that is Jesus.
God has taken us through many years of training and seasons of preparations to bring this vision to fruition. He has been faithful to pair us up with an army of warriors who have been able to come alongside of us in our journey to pray with us, connect us to resources, and help shoulder the burden of our hearts. We are not focused on the masses nor are we seeking to promote a new rehabilitation program. We are just two people, appointed by God, who are willing to take it back to the basics: to walk as Jesus did, in love, with the outcasts and teach them discipleship. God has placed in our heart's the ability to see the one sheep that wanders from the ninety-nine and the love to go after them and bring them back to the His fold.
In Need of Restoration
Feel free to reach out to us if you would like to help us in any way with the new facility.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
"..Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."