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Joshua 24:15

I was born in a missionary family to Rev. P. A. and Annie Abraham, missionaries in the State of Karnataka in India. My five siblings and I grew up in a Christian home committed to serving the Lord. My early footsteps with God began when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at the age of seven as my mother read the Book “Tortured for Christ” by Richard Wurmbrand. I am blessed to have a strong Christian heritage and a family dedicated to the call of Christ. I felt compelled to obey the Lord’s commandment and was baptized in water at the age of fourteen. During my undergraduate studies in Computer Science, it was clearly evident that the Lord was calling me to dedicate my life and serve Him. So I decided to join Gospel for Asia Biblical Seminary to complete the Master’s program in Theology in 1997. As I was academically excelling in the program, I realized that prayer and an intimate relationship with the Father in Heaven were the most important aspects in my Christian journey. I learned to spend most of my time with God, which taught me to walk obediently with God, live a life of faith, and do the perfect will of the Father. Shortly after I graduated from seminary, I pastored in the state of Mangalore in India. Thereafter, I was able to plant two churches in Maniple and Nitte, India. In the year 2004, God blessed me with my lovely wife, Nancy, who is a suitable partner according to my calling. I have two wonderful sons, Kaleb and Zekiel, who both already have a huge testimony in the Lord of their births.

They are constant reminders of God’s calling and selection on our lives.  Joshua 24:15  


Late in the year 2003, I moved down to Florida. It was never in my thoughts or my intention that I should go to the United States. It was the Lord’s plan. He gave me clear guidance of His purpose and plan about sending me to the U.S. As I lived in the United States, it was very clear to me that the Lord wanted me to see things in a very different perspective. I maintained my lifestyle of discipline and biblical culture. I spent more time in prayer, tears and fasting for this country. The Lord allowed me to see into the lives of many people who have been blessed in this country but their generations have gone astray. Many of them had broken relationships and so much unhappiness. I am sent by the Lord to this land to bring hope, peace in Christ, joy in the Holy Spirit, and to restore families and churches.

“We are the Light of the World and Salt of the earth”.


In March of the year 2006, my whole family was restored from the valley of death to life after a major car accident. Through this experience and the time of recovery, the Lord birthed a new church in America in Brandon, Florida which was among the people of our native culture. The church, Wilderness Tabernacle, flourished. The church was established during seven years of my ministry there as I supported the young man of God to lead the people. During the time of my ministry there, I started a new Bible study in English because the need had arose and the Lord laid it on my heart. The Lord then led me to a church that was shut down, Central Florida Christian Assembly. This was an opportunity to minister in English to the people of this land and our native people. Then I moved Auburndale, Fl., Lord wanted me to train men & women to be Kingdom focused in the Church, so that we see a tremendous growth inside and outside of Church. SEEDS- Sow, Educate, Equip, Disciple, Send. We have developed a team that is trained to fulfill this mission. Presently, we are in Highland City Fl., restoring and making an impact in an Indian Community Church along with planting a International Church and Pastoring, God has blessed the labour of our hands with 100% fruitfulness. We feed, accommodate train and reach people in need and build them to God’s calling.

Dais & Nancy Abraham Family

We are a Food Bank/ pantry & a thrift store. We feed around 1500 families a month and provide basic necessities for the needy and help them through the tough times.We dedicate ourselves to people who want to make a change in life from Addiction to various substances including cellphones technologies & media’s, people in broken relationship and crisis


 2916 S. Combee Rd.

Lakeland, FL 33830

Store Hours

Mon-Sat 10AM-6PM

Pantry Hours

Thur & Sat 10AM-12PM

1-(888) Bridge2

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